Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is included with my pass purchase?

A: Your purchase will provide access to the live and on-demand streaming of the event(s) until it expires. Generally, events will expire 1 - 1½ months after the season of play/playoffs.

  • Soccer events are generally removed by December 15, 2024
  • Basketball, hockey and volleyball games are removed by the last Wednesday of May (i.e. May 28, 2025)

Q: If I'm not available to watch live, can I watch it later?

A: YES. With your stream or package purchase, you can access both the live event and all archived events included in your package until it expires. Archived games (VOD) can be found on the main page, below the schedule, under the 'Past Events' section.

Q: How do I purchase an event to watch?

A: Click on any game you want to watch, there will be a "PURCHASE OPTIONS" button for that game on the screen. There are several purchase options to choose from: Fall All-Access, Winter All-Access, Daily or Championship/Tournament Pass.

Q: What do I get for each Pass?

A: You get access to watch all regular season games in the sports of basketball, hockey and volleyball.
Fall All-access Pass - will allow you to watch all regular season games during the fall term, from October to December. Does not include playoffs.

Winter All-access Pass - will allow you to watch all regular season games during the winter term, from January to March. Does not include playoffs.

Q: What about Playoff Passes?

A: You will need to purchase a separate pass to watch the playoff per gender per sport.

Playoff Day Pass - allows you to watch all games played that day for that specific playoff/championship. There are roughly 2 games per day for Soccer Championships and 3-4 games per day for Basketball & Volleyball Championships.

Championship/Tournament Pass - allows you to watch all games played throughout the whole championship/tournament. There are separate passes for the men and the women of each sport.

For hockey, since there are multiple rounds and series, there are only Series Passes to watch all games within a best-of-three or best-of-five series, and Hockey Playoff All-series passes for all games during the hockey playoffs.

Q: What is a "download only" purchase, and how do I use it?

A: A purchased download is a copy of the live-streamed event. It does not grant access to watch the event while it's live or on-demand from the website, rather you will be able to download a copy of the event onto your device to watch at any time, forever! In general, the download link will be available shortly after the event has ended, but can still be pre-purchased before then. You will have limited but sufficient time to download the event. If you need to download a copy after the time limit, you will need to repurchase an additional copy. As indicated above regarding game expiration, once the expiration date is reached all games are removed from ACACTV. The expiration date will override the time limit on a download purchase. There is no refund for purchases made close to the game expiration date and not allowing yourself sufficient time to download, or encountering problems downloading within the time constraint.

e.g. if you purchase a download 2-days before the game expires (to be removed) and the download purchase indicates 7-days to download, you only have 2-days to download your game.

Q: I don't see my account verification email when registering?

A: Please check your spam/junk folder of your registering email for an email from Local Sports Live if you do not see it in your inbox. Alternatively, if you have a Google Account you can use the "Continue with Google" button on the LOGIN window.

Q: Who do I contact if there are any problems with my streaming?

A: With any technology and internet, occasional issues with the signal may arise. There is a Viewing Tips page available that can help resolve most issues. Click HERE to access it. There may be occasions where there is a problem at the game (i.e. no sound, blank picture, etc.) that requires immediate attention and the game day staff are unaware of, there will be a host contact either phone, email, or social media contact provided in the game's description (below or to the left of the video player) to notify them of the problem.

Q: Refunds and Exchanges.

A:Events are provided on an "as is" basis. We will not have any liability to you for the quality, cancellation or abandonment of any event or the failure to show any event as scheduled or advertised, nor where you are unable to watch any event on any specific platform device. All pay-per-view sales are final: there are no refunds for any reason. If you've purchased the wrong event, we will exchange it for another event of the same value.